Ravensburger Childrens Globe Night Edition english (1 Stk)

Ravensburger Childrens Globe Night Edition english (1 Stk)
Produkt: ID43144 / EAN: 4005556112883

Ravensburger Childrens Globe Night Edition english (1 Stk)

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Ravensburger Childrens Globe Night Edition english (1 Stk) kaufen

Bestselling 3D puzzle brand worldwide - Our 3D jigsaw puzzles make ideal gifts for boys and great gifts for girls. This product is made from high quality plastics and of FSC-certified and other controlled material. By choosing this product, you are supporting responsible management of the world’s forests. The 180 piece 3D Globe puzzle jigsaws are crafted with premium quality and when completed are 20cm in diameter. Great 3D globes for Children 6 years old and up. Fully complies with all necessary UK and EU testing standards This puzzle uses unique plastic pieces, which slot together to build a sturdy and strong model. No glue required! Either assemble by eye or using the numbers on the reverse side. Positively Puzzling - From fun family times together to long term health benefits and day-to-day mindful moments, there are so many positives about the humble Jigsaw! They make a great birthday gift or Christmas present

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