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Are you looking for products in the category Minerals?

Then you've come to the right place. From a purchase value of CHF 100.00 in our Swiss online drugstore, you get free shipping from our warehouse in Lucerne. And best of all, you can pay conveniently by invoice. Health is our highest priority, so we offer a telephone consultation to help you choose the right products. We also guarantee fast delivery, so you will receive your orders as soon as possible. Order products from the category Minerals today and let us convince you! As a small thank-you for your loyalty, we will also reward you with our bonus system.

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Kanela purchase on invoice possible
Kanela free shipping from CHF 100.00
Kanela telephone consultation

Buy minerals and trace elements from Kanela

Minerals and trace elements are absolutely vital for our organism. The minerals are substances of an inorganic type that our body cannot produce itself; we have to eat them through the food. Depending on the concentration of minerals in our organism, there are bulk elements - or so-called trace elements. The latter is the case when the density of the substances is less than 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. The body needs minerals and trace elements in addition to substances like carbohydrates, proteins , fats and Vitamins . Larger amounts of minerals are important, for example, at magnesium , calcium or potassium. Trace elements, on the other hand, are divided into two groups - the non-essential and the essential elements. Not essential means that they occur in the body, but are not vital, such as silicon, boron, nickel or lithium.

You can buy minerals and trace elements in the shop

The essential trace elements are more important, for example iron , iodine, fluorine, copper, molybdenum, manganese, Zink or selenium. All of these elements are contained in the foods we eat every day. However, if you don't like fish or meat or have allergies, you can easily fill up the body's own household with the minerals and trace elements offered in the Kanela Shop. In the form of tablets, capsules or powder. Minerals are involved in the vast majority of metabolic processes in the body. They also influence each other. Do not leave anything to chance and order minerals and trace elements from Kanela. In the online shop you will only find preparations that have been tried and tested by experts. The most popular products from the Minerals & Trace Elements category are Magnesium Biomed Uno , Magnesium Biomed Activ , the Proxeed Plus and the Cela vitamin tablets from Burgerstein .