canned food for dogs

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Are you looking for products in the category canned food for dogs?

Then you've come to the right place. From a purchase value of CHF 100.00 in our Swiss online drugstore, you get free shipping from our warehouse in Lucerne. And best of all, you can pay conveniently by invoice. Health is our highest priority, so we offer a telephone consultation to help you choose the right products. We also guarantee fast delivery, so you will receive your orders as soon as possible. Order products from the category canned food for dogs today and let us convince you! As a small thank-you for your loyalty, we will also reward you with our bonus system.

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Dog wet food and its properties

Wet dog food is an important factor in dog health and nutrition. Dogs need high-quality wet food to meet their nutritional needs and provide the body with essential nutrients. Wet food can contribute to a healthier skin and coat condition as well as better overall digestion. It also helps keep animals hydrated, which can be especially helpful for animals in dry or hot climates. Dogs that get the right amount of wet food in addition to a balanced diet live healthier lives than dogs that only eat dry food.