Author: holger küppers

  • What helps against aphthous ulcers?
    What helps against aphthous ulcers?

    Have you ever had canker sores in your mouth? Then you know how uncomfortable it can be. The white, painful blisters are triggered by changes in the oral mucous membrane; these are often small injuries that cannot always be avoided. If, for example, dentures are not stuck or bridges and crowns, such injuries occur - and you can also make the scratches yourself if, for example, you accidentally bite your tongue or the cheek.

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  • How do you get rid of sore muscles quickly?
    How do you get rid of sore muscles quickly?

    The good news with sore muscles is that it will go away at some point and it will not cause any permanent damage to muscle tissue. However, the hardening and swelling of the muscles can be quite a burden for a day - or in the more extreme case for several days. Sometimes there are tiny tears in the muscle that trigger the hangover. It is relatively undisputed that sore muscles are simply caused by excessive strain, but how do you get rid of it quickly?

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  • What are strawberry legs and what helps against them?
    What are strawberry legs and what helps against them?

    Especially a part of the ladies should know what strawberry legs are, after all, only a few men shave their legs. In some cases, the freshly shaved legs have small dots. Because it is actually reminiscent of the surface of a strawberry, the Americans have christened the phenomenon “Strawberry Legs” - that is, strawberry legs. Read here how they arise and what attempts can be made to avoid the strawberry legs.

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  • What helps against nausea?
    What helps against nausea?

    Some people feel upset about excitement. They feel sick before bigger moments in life, be it before an important exam at the university, before an adventure (sometimes also before the flight or the trip to the holiday destination) or before the wedding or birthday. Others tend to get nervous even before normal appointments. The result is nausea. Sometimes, however, you have simply eaten something intolerable or you are plagued by a gastrointestinal infection. And pregnant women also suffer...

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  • What can you do against headache?
    What can you do against headache?

    Headaches - we all know them. For some of us they are constant companions, for example when we suffer from a migraine that occurs at regular intervals. Tension headaches are also often manifested, for example, by poor posture, stress, the weather, too much alcohol, environmental toxins or too little sleep. These so-called primary headaches can usually be treated well.

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  • What helps against constipation?
    What helps against constipation?

    Almost everyone has had the unpleasant experience of constipation - called constipation in technical terms. Not only does it interfere with everyday life, it can also be quite painful. Find out here what causes and characteristics constipation can have and what (household) remedies you can use to get rid of these diseases.

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  • What helps against pigment spots?
    What helps against pigment spots?

    Pigment spots - actually hyperpigmentation or so-called age spots - are not normal freckles, although they are also caused by a higher production of the skin pigment melanin. This process is a result of increased UV radiation. But changes that are triggered by hormones also occasionally form pigment spots, for example through pregnancy, through taking the pill or through medication with photosensitizing material. If you have sun-sensitive skin, you should always wear sunscreen with a sun...

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  • When are vitamin tablets useful?
    When are vitamin tablets useful?

    It sounds like a commonplace - and yet it is true: Those who eat a balanced diet do not have to worry about many health issues. This also applies to the body's vitamin balance. Of course, we all know how important it is to get enough vitamins of all kinds. But can this rate always be improved with vitamin tablets and supplements?

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  • What helps against bloating?
    What helps against bloating?

    Do you know that too? You are in a good mood in the morning and are happy about the great flat stomach. But in the afternoon at the latest, when you have had lunch, there is no longer any talk of joy - your stomach puffs up, you feel much less well and your self-confidence also suffers. High time to declare war on the bloated stomach. There are several options.

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  • Causes, Symptoms and Fight against Nail Fungus
    Causes, Symptoms and Fight against Nail Fungus

    Sure, not to come into contact with the mushrooms in the first place, that's the best method. But it is not realistic, after all, we are drawn to public baths or the sauna to be able to exercise or to sweat healthily. But once the infection is there, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Compared to athlete's foot, however, this project can take longer.

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  • What helps against psoriasis?
    What helps against psoriasis?

    Those who do not suffer from psoriasis themselves often live under the mistaken assumption that this disease occurs exclusively on the scalp. It is true, however, that psoriasis can actually affect the whole body. Often a genetic predisposition is the reason for psoriasis, the disease is inherited. On this page we will show you how you can still live with it.

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  • What helps against hyperacidity?
    What helps against hyperacidity?

    If you know which foods lead to acidity in the organism, then it should be easy to do without them, you might think. And eat more alkaline foods instead. But that is often easier said than done, more on that later. Because not only the intake of certain foods triggers acidification.

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Showing 145 to 156 of 206 (18 Pages)