personal care

  • What can be done against blemished skin?
    What can be done against blemished skin?

    For many of us, puberty begins with the problem of blemished skin, and adults often still suffer from it. What can you do about it?

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  • What to do about calluses?
    What to do about calluses?

    So if the cornea forms as a protective reaction, why should you remove it at all? Of course, aesthetics also play a role here.

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  • What can be done against brittle nails?
    What can be done against brittle nails?

    Overall, around 20 percent of the world's population suffer from brittle nails. But how can brittle nails arise and why are women more often affected?

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  • What can be done about perioral dermatitis?
    What can be done about perioral dermatitis?

    Perioral dermatitis is extremely uncomfortable for those affected, but curable. In general, when using (beauty) products, less is more. Learn more.

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  • What can you do about aching gums?
    What can you do about aching gums?

    We all know the situation: the gums hurt. Up to 80 percent of all people in Switzerland regularly suffer from this pain, which in most cases is not really bad, but has a negative impact on everyday life - especially eating and drinking. What can we do about it?

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  • What to do against sunburn
    What to do against sunburn

    They have to bring cooling quickly and accelerate healing quickly - remedies for sunburn. But because a not inconsiderable part of humanity consists of know-it-alls, the first thing you often have to do is to hear why you weren't careful and how dangerous a sunburn is. Yes - you know! Hardly anyone has really wise advice on what to do about the injury instead.

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  • What helps against couperose?
    What helps against couperose?

    Couperose is not as rare as the name might suggest. Because in truth, these are copper-red colored blood vessels that are located on the surface of the facial skin. In most cases, couperose is the result of weak connective tissue. But too much alcohol, permanently high blood pressure and extensive sunbathing can also be the cause of couperose. But there are also hereditary manifestations. The cheeks and the regions around the nose are almost always affected.

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  • Why do mosquitoes bite and what can you do about it?
    Why do mosquitoes bite and what can you do about it?

    Biting mosquitoes are widespread in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. About a dozen of these bloodsucker species are native to these latitudes. The fact that there are now exotic species such as the tiger mosquito, the yellow fever mosquito or the Japanese or Asian bush mosquito doesn't necessarily make things any better. But there are ways and means to defend yourself against the uninvited guests.

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  • What are strawberry legs and what helps against them?
    What are strawberry legs and what helps against them?

    Especially a part of the ladies should know what strawberry legs are, after all, only a few men shave their legs. In some cases, the freshly shaved legs have small dots. Because it is actually reminiscent of the surface of a strawberry, the Americans have christened the phenomenon “Strawberry Legs” - that is, strawberry legs. Read here how they arise and what attempts can be made to avoid the strawberry legs.

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  • What helps against pigment spots?
    What helps against pigment spots?

    Pigment spots - actually hyperpigmentation or so-called age spots - are not normal freckles, although they are also caused by a higher production of the skin pigment melanin. This process is a result of increased UV radiation. But changes that are triggered by hormones also occasionally form pigment spots, for example through pregnancy, through taking the pill or through medication with photosensitizing material. If you have sun-sensitive skin, you should always wear sunscreen with a sun...

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  • Remove small warts yourself
    Remove small warts yourself

    The term wart is commonly associated with severe, clearly visible changes in the skin, including the face. In books and films, the do-it-yourself is often depicted with facial warts - but the wart is much more often just a small, harmless skin lesion that can be a little painful in a few cases. Warts are triggered by human papillomaviruses, or HPV for short, as well as infections or transmission through human contact.

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  • New tattoo? See how you can take care of the skin after a tattoo
    New tattoo? See how you can take care of the skin after a tattoo

    Are you thinking about getting a tattoo? Body jewelry can be a great thing, and if you think you can do a tattoo and find it aesthetic - why not? Everyone in his own way, that is absolutely correct. The fact that you should think about your skin is a topic that you have to talk about. So we do that too.

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Showing 73 to 84 of 96 (8 Pages)