
  • What to do with menstrual cramps
    What to do with menstrual cramps

    Many women experience moderate to severe cramps in the lower abdomen once a month called menstrual pain. But why is menstruation associated with pain for many?

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  • Causes of Snoring and What Can You Do About It?
    Causes of Snoring and What Can You Do About It?

    If you wake up in the morning after getting an adequate number of hours of sleep and are still quite exhausted, you may have just slept badly. Or you snore at night - that also robs your sleep of some quality. Or do you sometimes have difficulty swallowing in the morning, like when you have a sore throat? This, too, is often a sign that you snore at night. Find out here where the saw often comes from, what it can cause and what can be done about it.

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  • What can you do about tiredness?
    What can you do about tiredness?

    Everybode knows tiredness in many different forms. For many of our conspecifics, for example, it is an unhealthy lifestyle that includes poor nutrition, too few vitamins, too much alcohol. Others are chronically exhausted and thus a case for the doctor, still others drag stress around with them or ponder their problems for nights on end.

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  • What helps against high blood pressure?
    What helps against high blood pressure?

    One of the most common health problems of our time is definitely high blood pressure. It is caused by many factors, often a combination of several. In any case, this includes the lack of exercise, excessive body weight, nicotine and alcohol, too much salt and a lot of professional and private stress. On this page you can read what you can do in addition to the measures prescribed by your doctor to lower your blood pressure sustainably.

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  • What to do against a sore throat?
    What to do against a sore throat?

    Everyone knows this extremely uncomfortable feeling - that moment when you realize that a cold is inevitable because the first symptoms are already there. You may have been a little exhausted for a few days and wonder about it, but once the sore throat has spread, there are no more doubts. Now the only thing that helps is the answer to the question: What to do about a sore throat?

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  • Why do mosquitoes bite and what can you do about it?
    Why do mosquitoes bite and what can you do about it?

    Biting mosquitoes are widespread in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. About a dozen of these bloodsucker species are native to these latitudes. The fact that there are now exotic species such as the tiger mosquito, the yellow fever mosquito or the Japanese or Asian bush mosquito doesn't necessarily make things any better. But there are ways and means to defend yourself against the uninvited guests.

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  • What helps against aphthous ulcers?
    What helps against aphthous ulcers?

    Have you ever had canker sores in your mouth? Then you know how uncomfortable it can be. The white, painful blisters are triggered by changes in the oral mucous membrane; these are often small injuries that cannot always be avoided. If, for example, dentures are not stuck or bridges and crowns, such injuries occur - and you can also make the scratches yourself if, for example, you accidentally bite your tongue or the cheek.

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  • How do you get rid of sore muscles quickly?
    How do you get rid of sore muscles quickly?

    The good news with sore muscles is that it will go away at some point and it will not cause any permanent damage to muscle tissue. However, the hardening and swelling of the muscles can be quite a burden for a day - or in the more extreme case for several days. Sometimes there are tiny tears in the muscle that trigger the hangover. It is relatively undisputed that sore muscles are simply caused by excessive strain, but how do you get rid of it quickly?

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  • What helps against nausea?
    What helps against nausea?

    Some people feel upset about excitement. They feel sick before bigger moments in life, be it before an important exam at the university, before an adventure (sometimes also before the flight or the trip to the holiday destination) or before the wedding or birthday. Others tend to get nervous even before normal appointments. The result is nausea. Sometimes, however, you have simply eaten something intolerable or you are plagued by a gastrointestinal infection. And pregnant women also suffer...

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  • What can you do against headache?
    What can you do against headache?

    Headaches - we all know them. For some of us they are constant companions, for example when we suffer from a migraine that occurs at regular intervals. Tension headaches are also often manifested, for example, by poor posture, stress, the weather, too much alcohol, environmental toxins or too little sleep. These so-called primary headaches can usually be treated well.

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  • What helps against constipation?
    What helps against constipation?

    Almost everyone has had the unpleasant experience of constipation - called constipation in technical terms. Not only does it interfere with everyday life, it can also be quite painful. Find out here what causes and characteristics constipation can have and what (household) remedies you can use to get rid of these diseases.

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  • What helps against bloating?
    What helps against bloating?

    Do you know that too? You are in a good mood in the morning and are happy about the great flat stomach. But in the afternoon at the latest, when you have had lunch, there is no longer any talk of joy - your stomach puffs up, you feel much less well and your self-confidence also suffers. High time to declare war on the bloated stomach. There are several options.

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Showing 205 to 216 of 247 (21 Pages)